Application Security as a Service (ASaS)

PRIAMBA’s AppSec as a Service helps our clients manage multiple areas of their application security program. By collaborating with PRIAMBA to manage application security program, it helps organization to focus on more strategic initiatives, while PRIAMBA provides support of day-to-day application security operations.

          This service combines the power of technology through our Vulnerability Management (VM) Platform and our leading cybersecurity consulting services to ensure Organization can build and manage an excellent application security program.

Applications are our business, better secure them

          Web, Mobile, and Desktop applications capture and hold sensitive corporate and customer data. However, they are highly vulnerable – 80% of cyberattacks occur at the application layer. Until recently, applications were viewed as low risk because they were largely internal, so securing the infrastructure was the priority instead. But applications are now open to the world. The pressure to release quickly, the security checks needed to manage applications and systems in depth are often incomplete. Add to this a lack of security training on the part of application developers focused on functionality, and it’s clear that a more proactive approach to security is required.

Today’s Challenges

Applications are easy targets: Internet facing applications are the easiest to attack; the latest trend depicts the same.

Complexity and volume of applications: Today’s business deals with large volumes in terms of size and complexity of applications.

Inherent vulnerabilities and gaps: Inherent gaps in the coding standards adopted coupled with volume of applications create a huge challenge.

Risk Identification and Prioritization: These are dependent on the tools used, skill set of resources, and maturity of managing application vulnerabilities.

Regulatory and Compliance requirements: Every business is bound by regulatory compliance requirements such as SOX, PCI DSS, and HIPAA.

Many organizations fail to prioritize application security, leaving their entire environment at risk. With large organizations managing thousands of applications, it is prudent to adopt a risk based application security management.

To begin with, we need to adopt a framework that covers the following –

  • Build an application inventory
  • Identify business criticality and its impact
  • Identify and prioritize vulnerabilities
  • Action plan on remediation

At PRIAMBA, we provide a comprehensive Security Solutions for Applications. Securing application is a multi-faceted activity that needs thorough understanding of the application behavior and its various functionalities.

PRIAMBA’s AppSec as a Service enables a secure software development lifecycle (SSDLC). With AppSec as a Service, PRIAMBA serves as an extension to the existing team. Gain support managing multiple areas of the application security program.

PRIAMBA conducts a full suite of technical analysis to validate the effectiveness of the controls. This modular and scalable approach to application security comprises multiple components that may be deployed as a complete application security program or individually, integrating with the existing processes and technologies.

Application Security Program Components

         Web and Mobile App Secure Code Review (SCR)

          Static Application Security Testing

          Dynamic Application Security Testing

          SAST/DAST Triaging

          Application Penetration Testing

         Vulnerability Discovery Technology Adoption

           Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

          Vulnerability Management

          Remediation Support

          Application Security Education

          Architecture Risk analysis/          Threat Modeling

         Application Security Program Management

          Secure SDLC/DevSecOps Workshop

          Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT)

         Our application security team work closely with client stakeholders to get a clear understanding of the application environment, tools and processes to build an effective AppSec program and comprehensive application testing plan.

          Based on the findings of our assessment and testing, we make recommendations for specific mitigations to reduce risks and prevent incidents in an organization’s business and operational environment.

          During the program, PRIAMBA performs various security touchpoints throughout all the phases of the SSDLC:

Application Security Testing Tools


SAST Tools

DAST Tools

Vulnerability Management

OWASP Security RAT (Requirement Automation Tool)

Microsoft threat modeling tool

Threagile – Agile Threat Modeling

Coverity Static Analysis

Find SecBugs


HCL AppScan Source




Burp Suite


Vulnerability Management Toolkit(VMT) by PRIAMBA Soft.

          In addition, Application Security as a Service leverage Vulnerability Management Platform as an integrated platform to unify the application security program in one location and build a consolidated view of the program’s health for application security leaders.