Microsoft office 2013 versus 2010 free

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A downside of Office is that if you do unfortunately suffer from internet problems, then you probably won’t be able to complete any work or even access your emails. However, by signing up to Prezi , you can take advantage of a free service that enables online sharing and live presentation streaming. Over the weeks it has been a reasonably solid experience with one or two quirks causing me no end of frustration. Office also imposes stricter requirements than its predecessors. That implies they probably have access to the Skype time too. How is it more intuitive? If you have a smaller number of users, I would definitely say get used to it before any users as there are some subtle differences.


[SOLVED] Thoughts on Office vs .Office free upgrade to Office re-do after eligibility period – Microsoft Community


Microsoft Office users can now either pay a yearly subscription or buy the software or use a MS free but limited online version. Some believe this move will benefit both corporate and smaller customers.

While corporate customers will be able to get in on the paid subscriptions and tap into the online services, others can sign up for a service, where their online files will be stored and get help with data backup and security. The best thing about this is that everyone will be allowed to use the online versions of different applications, such as Word and PowerPoint without it being necessary to buy the desktop versions.

All they need to do is sign up for the free Windows Live account. Office is still the current version until is finally released. Results of several technical reviews reveal that improvements have been made to the office suite, such as the Ribbon being the default interface OneNote, Outlook and all other Office applications.

Not only is Ribbon made default but it has also been tweaked a bit. Office is similar to Office features.

The new version adds a wide variety of new features that solve the major issue of e-mail overload. With the use of a full-blown Ribbon, most functions are within easy reach. Quick Steps is a new feature that is said to speed up mail handling. As we all know, one of the main problems of Outlook has always been the confusion with following threads of messages.

This version eradicates this problem and is sure to increase productivity. For all of you social networking fans, this version of Outlook may prove to be a disappointment as it does not have integration with Facebook and other social networking sites. According to Microsoft, an estimated million people have a Windows Live account with using services like Messenger and Hotmail, and 90 million corporate customers already have Office subscriptions. There have been comments floating around that Microsoft is a bit too late to enter this arena and it may be difficult to catch up with the competition.

In response, Microsoft says,. They have weekly releases to add things like bold and italics and more than four fonts. We have to redefine what productivity means to million people. Redefining productivity means offering tools that allow people to work simultaneously on presentations, documents and other things on the internet. Applications such as PowerPoint have also been pepped up, making it easier to add high-definition video into their projects.

Documents can be prettied up with the use of special effects to text, such as reflect, shadow and glow. Document sharing has been given new life and allows more than one person to work simultaneously on a document online. Overall, you may find that this version of Word is not much different from Word They may not be as powerful as a high-end video editing software but they do their job efficiently. There is also a great improvement in animations in PowerPoint , with a wide choice of animations that can be easily edited using the custom animation feature.

While the above are the most known features of Microsoft Office, there are other important ones too, such as Microsoft Publisher and OneNote, which have been improved in the over the version. The most important change to Office is the Web-based access and access for mobile phones and other mobile clients introduced in the final version. There will also be mobile versions that allow viewing of documents on a smartphone or other mobile devices, as well as copy and paste between applications.

Although, it may not be completely different from the version, there are many solid improvements in Office , which certainly makes it worth checking it out. So when can you get your hands on Office — and will the Operating System you have run it? Office shipped to manufacturers in October , but the final edition will not be out until the middle of Microsoft also announced that Microsoft Office will only be compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8.

XP and Vista users will be left out in the cold. Gail is passionate about building collaborations of bloggers interested in supporting small businesses and creating a better world for all. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Add comment Nov 21, 7 min read by Gail Gardner.

Outlook works even on mobile devices. Tagged as microsoft office , ms office 10 , ms office , ms office , office , office Further reading. Analysis SEO. Analysis Internet Marketing.


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Does anyone have thoughts on office , especially Outlook? Has anyone found a compelling reason to move up to ? If you have I would not upgrade. I like this “By default, when Outlook is installed, a new compressed version of the Outlook data file.

This new compressed version of the. I haven’t had to resend an email with an attachment in a year or more. I personally still use Office I don’t see a whole lot of incentive to upgrade to nor For example, it really wants you to save your files to SpyDrive.

I admit that the color scheme on is a little off-putting, but I got used to it – and I like the way that everything flows.

I have had some complaints from users, but it’s been minimal. If you have a smaller number of users, I would definitely say get used to it before any users as there are some subtle differences. The one thing I have found annoying in outlook is that it is not easy to display the sender header information. Glad to have the disable option via GPO- but I would prefer to have to enable instead.

Since we don’t subscribe to Office , it actually becomes a security risk because it encourages them to use their own SkyDrive. We are running right now, but have licenses due to Software Assurance. I will probably be upgrading later this year. The one feature I really like is the ability to edit PDFs. Though I am not sure if I had to actually pay for the upgrade if I would find that a compelling enough reason. I like Office – nicest feature for the business – Outlook by default will only download 12 months of mail so easier on the bandwidth.

It has proven a hassle to in-place upgrade, however, so I’ve simply made the new PC build with Office instead of Manus Dei is an IT service provider. Prefer appears to be the last stable release in my opinion especially when looking at Outlook on each. I do question the amount of unused functions and features of Office as most of the every day users I see don’t use anything really outside the formatting options and though who do mainly talking about spreadsheets here tend to muck up what they are doing as they hadn’t really a clue in the first place.

All ends up with muggings here trolling through a massive mess of work backwards engineering everything and then creating a new spreadsheet correctly with comments in the VBA coding and then importing the old data for it to be used once a week or some else come along and change the coding or formula as it doesn’t give them the result “they” want and now doesn’t work correctly once more.

Running here too, theres a few bugs still to be ironed out but other than that I like it, much cleaner and faster than its predecessor. I loved the Office from the first installation. Also I love the new features in it Ex.

I am using Office The updates are a lot larger, so when it comes to bandwidth, you might want to consider that.

But I personally enjoy using the product. The only thing that’s superior in my view in Office is that the Outlook calendar includes a line that shows you what time it is in relation to your meetings much like in Google Calendar.

I don’t mind office we have Software Assurance, so it didn’t cost any extra. I don’t particularly like it either. It’s okay for the most part it has some annoyances like randomly drag select to highlight text seems to fail in office I also don’t like that is ties each user to their email for everything as it’s trying to be more cloud based, but it’s only on my laptop so no big deal so far.

Interface is cleaner and smoother. Buttons have been moved all over the place. SP1 just came out for so the bugs have been patched. If you don’t need to spend the money, i recommend waiting for the next version. We only went because our vendor no longer sold licenses. Your users will most likely need a training course otherwise you will be getting a ton of phone calls, especially for outlook.

All the default settings and interfaces have been changed. Took 2 months of phone calls before they finally got used to it. A side note. One of our web apps did not work with or 64 bit. I have to downgrade some of those people to our leftover licenses.

This is very rare, but apparently some webapps do have office integration and unless you are up to speed with their stuff again budget , it will hurt you in the long run. There is a macro for this for If OP stays on and wants it, pm me or post in here i might not see it in here.

I still have it in a txt file on my drive. We have a standard company name sig so it was really easy to do. To Desperado, it was a nice surprise knowing that i did not have to import this macro on all new office installs :. We upgraded 4Q13 from Office company-wide, and at that time there was still just enough unsettling comments about the newest version that I chose to just upgrade everyone here to It will be supported for a long time and works fine for us. I like Office so far.

We’ve had it for about 4 months now with the learning curve not being that bad. We did a few user videos to help with some of the more used functions here in the office.

It does seem that was built with a touchscreen in mind, hence the larger buttons and menus. I’m sticking with In my experience, is much more compatible I had issues editing certian documents in but no issues in and offers features that omitted. Upgrading the ones if they are getting reimaged or patched, but not actively seeking them to upgrade, if that makes sense. Running here, as a Microsoft Partner we get the software for free and aside from initially getting used to the user interface I really like it, it seems faster and more responsive than , but if I had to pay for it, I wouldn’t it isn’t a big enough change in my opinion to justify the cost to upgrade.

To the poster who was commenting on stability, I have not experienced any stability issues in or , I would like to know what kind of stability issues are your experiencing? Haven’t noticed a huge difference between and besides trying to default save to Skydrive.

Our current guideline is if we buy new we get the newest version but we haven’t upgraded anything that is running or My favorite thing: all the subtle little animations.

Starting a new paragraph, moving to a new cell in Excel Some of the new features are nice. Love the new Powerpoint presentation mode with dual screens and Lync is much nicer that Like it or not, if you use it to make a living sometimes you have to move on and stay with the times. Seriously, I get the Outlook icon and Word icon confused all the time now. It takes me a second to figure out whether I’m about to click the one I want. Why would they do that?? Outside of the color scheme, which is horrid, I haven’t seen anything stand out between and But I have come to like Office All office , except volume license uses click-to-run technology which will consume bandwidth whenever it wants.

Nope, you can’t do that with office updates. You have to “stream” retail office version, but you can’t mapped a offline ISO and install it from there. Love , it is much faster, caches better Choices of Grey, Light Grey and White color schemes are the only options. We run both here, with just a couple of Office users scattered around.

I am still using and have not upgraded yet. But use on a couple of secondary systems and like it. Don’t get many complaints from users on it either even ones I have upgraded from but that just might be cause my users are awesome and don’t complain about much knocks on wood furiously to prevent future apocalypse.

We upgraded from Office to Office here last year. I have one user that refuses to upgrade from Outlook , everyone else has upgraded. There are lots of things we like about Outlook , but since we took 10 years to upgrade, we aren’t sure when most of the features we like were added. I had to change the theme in , the default white one is a bit garish, but other than that, I really like.

The little subtle animations are probably my favorite feature. Some of the default settings are annoying but I understand that Microsoft is setting those things for home use where OneDrive integration would be useful. The colors are by far my biggest complaint. I fixed the jarring white one by setting the default colors through a GPO to light grey which makes it look similar to Office Just like Doug88, I hate that Microsoft switched Outlook to blue.

Now the two most used programs for people are close to the same color and for no good reason. Word’s PDF editing ability! This may not matter to most of you but my users are absolutely addicted to PDFs and having this built in can save me lots of money. The other big reason that I am upgrading is the full version of Lync only available in Pro Plus has some nice group video upgrades that can get us away from other products. There are also a number of other small but nice improvements such as the ability to sort tables in OneNote.